Thursday, November 24, 2011


I wanted to do a graphic with some Scrabble Tiles and did a Google search for "Scrabble". I don't know if I was more shocked or disappointed when most of the top results were for apps to help you cheat! Cheating at Scrabble on-line is like cheating at Solitaire! WTF?

Am I being naive, or has the whole world gone down the shitter that much? Is this what they were talking about when they said, "Some folks just need killin'."?

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A History of Agnostic Groups in Alcoholics Anonymous

For anyone who has ever been in or around any of the Twelve Step Programs, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, or thier members, these articles are very interesting.

A History of Agnostic Groups in Alcoholics Anonymous: Parts 1 & 2

I'd like to hear your thoughts.

Twisted Faces - Caricature Art from Rock Cowles

Twisted Faces - Caricature Art from Rock Cowles
Twisted Faces Web Site

Kowulz on Facebook

Dave Cowles's Facebook profile

Caricatures by Rock Kowulz