Good old Joe Stalin said, "It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything." Today we are played by the Main Stream Media, Political advocates, advertising agencies, race baiters, religious zealots, and special interest groups of every stripe, shape, size, and color. We are subjected to so false knowledge and statistics at an alarming rate and constantly battered with unvalidated information and opinions masquerading as facts.
From coast to coast and around the world hatred is being fueled by lies and propaganda under that guise of statistics. Claim an official source and people's brains shut down. Most of these are blatantly false, but very few of us bother to do fact checks before reacting to them and sharing them, especially under the false anonymity of social media. It is an epidemic that is tearing America apart at the racial, religious, and political seams.
Call out anyone who arrogantly spouts out questionable statistics. Ask for the source and then verify it yourself through multiple venues. Go beyond the Main Stream Media and your favorite blog or podcast. Think for yourself while you are still allowed too!
Edward Bulwer-Lytton knew what he was talking about when he said that the pen was mightier than the sword. Get people riled up with propaganda and they will raise arms. The true believers kill police officers and civilians in America, France, are firm convinced that they are acting out of righteousness rather than hatred because they drank the Kool-aid (Google it if you must).
Refrain from commenting on or sharing unwatched videos, articles, or posts because you like the title or it might support your beliefs. Plato said that the unexamined life is not worth living. Look inward and challenge and investigate you believe. Break free of cognitive dissonance and your biased upbringing and find out what really matters to you before offering any opinion to others.
Just because you have an opinion doesn't mean it's a good one.
We must recreate ourselves as individuals before we can fix cultures, societies, nations, or the world. No more Kool-Aid.
Gordon A. Eadie said that if you don't stand for something then you will fall for anything. The tough part is being clear on that something.
Conviction alone doesn't equal justice. Probity is defined as "integrity and uprighteousness". Embrace it. Be right before being heard.
Let the healing begin with me.
#stopthehate #stopthelies #stopthebias #defyMSM