As many of you may know, my father, Don Cowles, is a custom knife maker. His site is CowlesKnives.com. Each year my wife, my daughter, and myself join him in Atlanta, Georgia for the world's largest knife show, appropriately named The Blade Show. I have been going for about eleven years now. The craftsmanship, innovation, and art is phenomenal. Sure you have the para-military types and psycho geeks, but the majority of makers and collectors are every day people who appreciate fine tools and value their rights to defend themselves and their loved ones. Most will tell you don't take JUST a knife to a gun fight!
I received the following e-mail and am deeply concerned. I hope you will be also and will ACT on that concern!
Knife Rights < www.KnifeRights.org> Chairman Doug Ritter will be Tom Gresham's guest this Sunday on Tom's nationally syndicated Gun Talk radio show. The topic will be Customs' proposal to rescind earlier rulings that Assisted Opening Pocketknives are not Switchblades. This new interpretation is so broadly crafted as to endanger almost any folding pocketknife. Doug will explain the 63-page document, discuss the potential ramifications for law-abiding knife owners in the U.S., as well as how you can help Knife Rights defeat this over-reaching by Customs. Note that this is not just an issue for imported knives, and Doug will explain how that works. This is very serious attempt to limit your right to own and carry the pocketknife of your choice. If allowed to stand, it would endanger the entire knife industry. Join over 250,000 listeners and tune in to Doug and Tom on Sunday to learn more. Doug will appear as the first guest, starting at 1:00 PM Central Time. Some stations, including Sirius/XM satellite, carry the show on a delayed basis.
Check at www.GunTalk.com for times and stations.
Additional information on this Customs ruling can be found at www.KnifeRights.org
Doug Ritter
Have you signed up? Go to: www.KnifeRights.org
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