Today I did one of the toughest things I have ever done. I took our dog, Dazey, to be euthanized. Raeny went with me and we are both still crying as is Marecho. We were truly blessed to have had Dazey sharing our lives for over ten years. She recently developed health problems that were getting progressively worse as well as opening doors for more health problems. She was a shell of her former self and was finally having more bad days than good days. Out of deep love and mercy we made this hard decision.
Dazey, the dog formerly known as Fat Dazey, was adopted from the Spartanburg Humane Society in 1999 the day before she was to be put down. She had had a litter of puppies and been abandoned. During her time with us, Dazey killed eight possums, one raccoon, and fought a rabid fox. She had her steel cable struck by lightning and burned
in half, was given rat poison by a now deceased neighbor with a drug problem, and got chewed up by a Pit Bull one Christmas day when she went in its yard. She was blessed with many lives and she blessed all of our lives.
When I die, I want to go where Dazey went.
Thank you for my life, Good Dazey. You will always be missed.
I miss you everyday, old Dazey.