Sunday, November 26, 2017

Lessons In Law Enforcement

Once upon a time, I was a police officer.
Here are a few of the things that I learned.

Lessons in Law Enforcement 

1 • Beware of even the appearance of impropriety

2 • Ask them, tell them, make them

3 • People treat you the way you teach them to

4 • Give them the ticket or the lecture; not both 

5 • There are three sides to every story;
His side, her side, and the truth
which usually lies somewhere in between

6 • There is a gun at every call; yours 

7 • Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to
kill everybody you meet - James Mattis

8 • Stay fit 

9 • Train often

10 • Live your life as if everything you did
would someday be known

#police #thinblueline #lawenforcement #fiveoh #policing #RockCowles #Kowulz #GaffneyPoliceDepartment #WoodruffPoliceDepartment #ChesneePoliceDepartment

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