Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Obama, Dallas, Guns, and The War On Drugs

I just watched President Obama's speech at the Interfaith (?) Memorial Service in Dallas. He is an exceptional speaker. Very slick. I thought he did a great job and for the most part said all of the right things. He did say that "we" are flooding poor communities with thousands of guns and making it easier for children to get their hands on Glocks than computers or books. I took issue with that.

The guns going into those communities are there because of crime. Because people are afraid and because people steal them. The War on Drugs is a HUGE part of that. It turns communities, especially poor ones, into war zones. We spend more money fighting it than we do on education! If we repealed drug prohibition and used the money to focus on treatment and education then those communities would have a great chance of bettering themselves.

Want to make a difference and leave a lasting positive legacy, President Obama? Quit harping about gun control that doesn't work and can't work, and repeal drug prohibition. One doesn't work, the other one does.

I wonder how much trouble the two police officers who were sitting behind BHO during his speech and falling asleep are going to be in.

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